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Machinist Grinder First Year MCQ Book

 Machinist Grinder First Year- MCQ

मशिनिस्ट ग्राईंडर प्रथम वर्ष- MCQ

Machinist Grinder is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Lift and Escalator Mechanic. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about basic fitting covering components like filing, sawing, drilling, tapping, chipping, grinding and different fits,turning operations on lathe viz., plain, facing, boring, grooving, step turning, parting, chamfering, knurling and different thread cutting by setting the different parameter, mounting, balancing, dressing and truing of grinding wheel, plain and cylindrical surfaces, viz. parallel block, plain mandrel, socket, Morse taper, sleeve, Different milling operations (plain, stepped, angular, dovetail, T-slot, contour, gear) along with surface & cylindrical grinding, taper grinding, eccentric grinding, bush, square block, V-block, angle plate, re-sharpening of side & face milling cutter and lots more.
